My Not-So-Daily Diary

June '03

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Tuesday, June 24, 2003


     We should be in Switzerland. We're not. We enjoyed Thailand so much that we changed our flight from the 14th to the 21st.  On the evening of the 20th, Herbert got a phone call from James. James needed help and even though we were less than 24 hours away from our flight home, Herbert decided that he would go back to Taiwan. I agreed to come along, but asked that we stay through the weekend in Thailand. We arrived back to Taiwan yesterday and will be here until we head back to Switzerland on Friday. I should say, 'Maybe.' It all depends on whether or not Herbert is still needed here. We're both flexible.

     It's actually good to be back after being away for a month. Seeing James at the airport felt like seeing an old friend we hadn't seen in years. We're staying in the same hotel suite we had before, we had dinner last night at our favorite corner Teppanyaki restaurant and when we walked into the 'Good Morning Vietnam' bar we used to go to, we got hugs from the girls who work there.

     Here's a photo that was taken on our last night here in May...



     We're actually having a hard time trying to decide where to eat for our four evenings. Tonight we will go with all the engineers to the very delicious and upper-scale Japanese buffet. There is no longer much fear of SARS so everyone will join and there are two additional engineers here from Posalux in Switzerland.

     That leaves us only two dinners. I want to go back to Turin's, the Italian restaurant at the Metro Walk mall where we've gotten to know Tyrone the owner. I'd also like to have one more dinner at the Teppanyaki place because I love it so much and both Herbert and I want to go to our favorite Hot Pot restaurant.  Guess will have to make choices. 

     Here's a photo of Tyrone on our last night there...



     We had gone there with James and begged Tyrone to join us for a glass of wine.  (I have to mention that we begged him because he knows the photo shows the wine glass and he didn't want me to give an inaccurate image of him.  Right, Tyrone?)

     Speaking of Tyrone, he told me he tried the recipe I have on the site for 'Laurence and Andreas' Potato Cheese Pie'.  He loves it and so does his vegetarian wife. He said he was making it about once a week. I just wanted to mention that in case Laurence and Andreas are still reading these pages. They deserve the credit. Thanks guys!


     I ended my last entry, the one from May 22nd, with, 'Next time, more about Korea.' I lied.  Actually, I didn't lie. I had good intentions. I thought that I could catch up and write in Thailand since we were going there for a vacation and would only be working for a few days. I had two problems with that plan.

     One, it was impossible to get on-line with my computer.  All of my web site files are on my computer and Herbert's computer doesn't have the software I need for updating.

     The second problem was that we were having too much fun. We had temples to visit, Buddha's to see, pools to lay around and swim in and shopping, shopping, shopping to do. There wasn't any time to write. I chose to relax.

     But, I'm back. And now I have two countries to tell you about and I will do that when I have time.




Friday, June 27, 2003


     Yeah, yeah, yeah!  We're going home!  All our bags are packed and our flight leaves in four hours.  We'll be flying back through Bangkok before our twelve hour flight to Zurich.  It will be a long trip.  From the time we leave the hotel here in Chungli, until the time we walk into our house in Oberwil, 24 hours will have passed.  And that's provided there are no delays. But after fifteen weeks of being in Asia, 24 hours seems like nothing. 

     I don't want to give the wrong impression.  We've had a great time here in Asia - especially in Thailand - but it's always good to go home.  I'm anxious to see our family and friends and Sid, our cat. I'm anxious to walk into the Sternen, see Mädi, sit at the Stammtisch and order a Stange (beer).  I'm anxious to go to the Bären for Pouletfluegeli (the best chicken wings in the world) and Pommesfrites (probably the best French fries in the world.)

     And, along those same lines, but in the opposite direction, I’m anxious to get back on my diet and exercise plan.  But that can wait until Monday.

     I had some time today to work on the site.  I added a guest book and I'd love it if you'd stop and sign it and say hi.  There's a link on the main page, but you can get there with this link...

Sue's Guest Book

     There's a new photo page.  The photo's were taken at the end of March, which tells you how far behind I am.  Better late than never, I guess. 


New Photo Page!


      I have four more pages to add from Taiwan and then there's Korea and Thailand before I get back to everything I want to share from Switzerland.  All I can say is look for them here.

     And I'll look for you when I get back home.  Until then, take it easy... (We need to run and have one more Teppanyaki dinner before we go.)



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